Tara和Patrick McElfresh, 2024届家长

当塔拉和帕特里克·麦克尔fresh夫妇为女儿找一所新学校时, Liadan, 2024届毕业生, 他们想要一个不仅能在学术上挑战她的地方, 但就她个人而言,从小学到中学. 一个能鼓励她成为独立思考者的地方, 自信的学生, 和富有同情心的朋友. 一个地方,将提供无与伦比的教育机会在一个支持, 安全, 多样化的环境. 一个让他们的女儿真正茁壮成长的地方. After Liadan visited Ellis for a shadow day—and left beaming ear-to-ear—it was clear to them that 澳门官方老葡京 was that place for Liadan and the right place for them as parents.
女儿:Liadan McElfresh, 2024届毕业生

帕特里克:我们上公立学校的时候,就非常积极地参与了大连的教育, 但我们担心她的需求能否长期得到满足. We had always considered Ellis as an option given that we had friends whose daughters had spoken highly of their experiences. 在Liadan和Tara跟随和采访了教师之后, 招生团队, 和部门主管, both Liadan and her mother responded enthusiastically to what they observed in the curriculum and camaraderie among students. 教育丰富和机会的深度和广度给我们留下了深刻的印象, 特别是, 重点是帮助利丹发展成为一个知情的国家, 授权, 自信的年轻女子. 我们非常高兴和感激能成为澳门新葡新京官方社区的一员, 自从我们第一次与澳门新葡新京官方的工作人员和家属见面以来,我们就感到受到了欢迎.

Tara: We were looking for a school that would help pull Liadan out of her shell and to not only challenge her academically but to challenge her personally as well. 她是一个很容易融入群体,在课堂上保持沉默的学生. 在我们的观察日之后,我很清楚澳门新葡新京官方学院的教员不会允许她那样做. 我很清楚,澳门新葡新京官方是一所能够挑战莉丹成为最好的自己的学校.

你的家庭的决策过程是怎样的? 澳门新葡新京官方有什么特别之处?
Patrick:说实话,我们很担心Liadan上完四年级后该怎么办. We had left a rather wounding experience from her previous school in which my wife and I were very active at the school and district level trying to maintain and enrich what her school offered. 当她的前景继续下降, 我们疯狂地寻找一个能够提供我们想要的Liadan的完整体验的机会. 这包括严格但多样化的教育经历, 社区投资, 社交和课外活动是有意义和可靠的. 澳门新葡新京官方检查了每一项. We also found Ellis to be very fair and accommodating with our family’s financial needs so that this wonderful opportunity could happen and be maintained. 社区和对我们女儿作为一个成长中的个体的关注确实对我们有帮助, 我们从她在澳门新葡新京官方的经历中看到了这一点.

塔拉:澳门新葡新京官方给我印象最深的是那里的环境非常温暖. I got a sense that the School really found a perfect balance of foster independence and responsibility in the girls while also being nurturing and very visible to the girls. I love how the girls have the opportunity to make pretty big decisions about their education and for themselves. Ellis provides a 安全 environment where the faculty and staff guide them just enough so the choices the girls make end up being successful. 至于我们的决策过程是怎样的? 这很简单. 当我结束一天的实习去接丽丹的时候,我问她一切都好, 她笑得合不拢嘴. She said the library “is bigger then the Carnegie” and she was so excited to tell us about everything she was learning in the classrooms. 在澳门新葡新京官方待了几个小时后,我就能看到对学习的热爱又回到了列丹. 从那一刻起,我就知道我们会成为澳门新葡新京官方一家.
帕特里克:简单地说,我们的女儿每天都在学校上学,她感到高兴和自豪. 我们看到她茁壮成长, 与同学和老师建立有意义的互惠关系, 她正面临着成长的挑战. 当你的女儿因为缺课而心烦意乱时,这是一个很好的问题.

塔拉:我无法想象莉丹会去别的地方. She is receiving such a well-rounded education at Ellis and she is genuinely happy to go to school every day.

你女儿喜欢澳门新葡新京官方哪一点? 你喜欢澳门新葡新京官方哪一点?
帕特里克:我们的女儿为自己与澳门新葡新京官方的身份认同而感到自豪. 是否在学校, 首页, 或者外出活动, 很少有人看到她不戴着澳门新葡新京官方的一些随身物品. 她发现了被认定为澳门新葡新京官方学生的意义. 我们的女儿不仅喜欢课程和程序, but she believes in it and also finds solace in the study habits and life skills that she develops in relationship to her studies.

至于我们喜欢澳门新葡新京官方的地方? 这些都是我们能够享受澳门官方老葡京的条件, 怒气勃发, 1) Liadan将有一个全面的学术/教育经验, 她将生活在一个安全、有教养的环境中, 3)鼓励她按照自己的意愿做自己,并给她一个实现自主的平台和结构, 4)她将学会真诚地尊重他人和自己. 除了这些好处, we find a community of educators and families who share similar goals and aspirations to develop young women who believe in themselves.

塔拉:我同意帕特里克所说的一切. Liadan喜欢挑战、环境和机会. 她喜欢被信任,因为她可以自己从一个教室走到另一个教室. 她喜欢和任何她想要的朋友一起吃饭,可以选择吃什么和在哪里吃. She loves study hall at the end of the day and having the opportunity to get a lot of her 首页work complete before she gets 首页 and/or having the opportunity to get help on work if needed. 她喜欢每年可以选择选修的课程和选修课. 我喜欢她有这么多值得爱的东西. My biggest goal as a parent is being able to provide my children with opportunities that they not only love but will help them become adults that other adults want to be around because they are kind, 聪明的, 有趣的, 受过良好的教育,能对团队做出贡献.

帕特里克:虽然文献中有很多关于女孩是如何开始牺牲目标的, 梦想, 与异性交往时的个性和个性(见卡罗尔·吉利根), 我相信澳门新葡新京官方的哲学超越了性别差异. Our decision to send our daughter to an all-girls school has less to do with this particular structure and much more to do with the unique Ellis philosophy. 澳门新葡新京官方优先考虑个人成长、尊重和卓越. This desire is clearly demonstrated in the manner in which our girls are guided in the classroom as well as in programming and engagement with the families at large.

塔拉:和所有的女孩在一个学习环境中是很好的. 世界在很大程度上仍然是一个“男孩俱乐部”,我看到女孩在男女同校的环境中保持沉默.

帕特里克:虽然李丹很聪明, 有才华的, 私下里也很自信, 她长期以来都很害羞和矜持. We have seen 澳门官方老葡京 enable her to assert herself more confidently and hope that this trend continues. 我们希望她成为一个全面发展、独立思考的人. 我们希望她带着自信离开澳门新葡新京官方,进入大学生活, 不仅仅是学术上的, 而且在社交方面也有极大的自尊. 我们相信澳门官方老葡京鼓励这些目标. 当然, 鉴于澳门新葡新京官方的声誉, 我们也希望她能有机会进入竞争激烈的大学获得奖学金.

塔拉:我希望丽丹能继续热爱学习,并追求她想要的任何职业. 我们希望Ellis能给她打下基础,使她在申请过程中具有竞争力, 给了她追求梦想的信心, 以及在这段旅程中取得成功的技能.
帕特里克:澳门新葡新京官方始终为利亚丹提供多样化的学习机会, 在本地, 在全国范围内, 与国际. It exposes her to opportunities to work with leaders in the Pittsburgh region given special projects that aim to develop skills in business, 艺术, 以及公民自豪感. 澳门新葡新京官方还拥有其他教育环境所缺乏的校园基础资源, 包括视觉和表演艺术, 哪些显然对我们的社区很重要, 参与特殊学术项目的机会, 还有坚实的体育项目.

塔拉:我们喜欢丽丹在澳门新葡新京官方接触到这么多不同的东西. 学校不只是专注于阅读和数学,这样他们就可以在标准化考试中取得好成绩. 大连的艺术十分丰富, 学者, 俱乐部, 她还被鼓励参加社区组织.

帕特里克:她变得更自信了,而且不害怕与同龄人和成年人交往.  Although she has always been self-directed and has had high standards for her academic and extracurricular activities, I see her being very connected to her projects at Ellis and wanting each one to count toward a larger objective. 我看到她和同龄人在一起感觉很自在,关系也在不断加深.

塔拉:自从她创办澳门新葡新京官方以来,我看到利亚丹的信心有所提高. 自从在澳门新葡新京官方学习以来,我看到Liadan获得了对学习的热爱. 她从学校回到家,和我谈论她的一天, 她在课堂上学到了什么, 她正在做的项目, 她正在读的书, 她会分享关于老师和朋友的有趣故事. When we ask her if she has any 首页work she reacts with a calm demeanor and will tell us what she has to do by when and she completes her work with us not having to push or motivate her at all.  她想做她的工作,因为她喜欢她正在学习的东西,她很投入. 她为自己在澳门新葡新京官方的工作感到自豪.
Patrick: A memory that really sticks out for me was Liadan’s participation in the Ellis entrepreneurs program. 这是一个连接数学的美妙程序, 从事实际业务接触和指导, 结果与付出的努力直接相关. 学生们通常在学校的假日大减价时出售他们的商品, 但是过去的一年, 学生们可以在手工商场向现实世界的消费者出售产品. 今年,她做了几条非常时髦的手链(超过120条)!) and decided to send half of her proceeds to a worthy cause (she chose our veterinarian’s office—another passion of hers). 在这次活动中,Liadan和她最好的朋友坐在一起出售了她的手镯. 她在做销售时表现得很镇定, 当她为有需要的宠物筹集了一大笔钱时,她露出了自豪的笑容. There was a clear thread through every step of the process that Liadan realized at the end of her Handmade Arcade encounter, 她满意的微笑表明她是某种特殊事物的一部分.

塔拉:很难选出最喜欢的记忆. 然而,我能想到一个时刻告诉我,我们来对地方了. I was watching her play one of her soccer games after school and Liadan finally got her chance on the field to play a bit. 让我吃惊的是,看台上有那么多家长知道她的名字,并为她加油. 此时此刻, we had only been a part of the Ellis community for a few months and I know many of the families have been there for years and have had time to get to know each other. 让我感动的是,很多家庭都在努力让利丹感到受欢迎.

帕特里克:这件事很简单, 但它向我展示了澳门新葡新京官方学派的光辉,即使是在平凡的生活中. 事实上,今天,我开车送莉丹去学校,带了大约50磅的杂志. 这是每年举行一次, 它是澳门新葡新京官方四家“房子”之间更大竞争的一部分(利亚丹在卡萨特)。. 当我们把我们的战利品加到她的房子里时,她骄傲地笑了. 她被朋友们团团围住, and one really got a sense of how connected the girls are to their houses and helping their teams win competitions. 然而,这并不是唯一让我震惊的事情. 即使在一天中非常繁忙的时候,这里的环境也很悠闲. 姑娘们见到彼此真的很高兴, 我有了一种社区的感觉,脸上露出了合不拢嘴的微笑.

塔拉:我想不出有什么特别的经历,我认为那是一件积极的事情. We are just in our second year at Ellis and yet it seems like we have years of positive experiences there already. I think of the class play and how they created masks during Art class that they used in the play and how that tied in with their classroom studies. 我想起了李丹告诉我的所有关于老师愚蠢的故事, 开学第一天跳快闪舞. 当我在学校的班级聚会上做志愿者时,我想起了女孩们脸上的笑容. I love that Liadan has the opportunity to sit with a group of friends outside during lunchtime and can get some fresh air in the middle of the day. 事情太多了.